Today is Friday, and marked the end of my first workweek at the Banjulunding Health Center. It was a very interesting week, and culminated in the documentation of hundreds of infant vaccinations and a potential TB exposure. The potential TB patient did not cough or sneeze in my presence, which greatly decreases the risk of me getting it if he indeed is infected. I will know for sure on Monday if he is positive for the disease, after the tests come back from the laboratory.
The week finished up with many positives. I've been maintaining my daily 5:00pm lifting session with Poppa and the Guys, and have been enjoying African meals with American twists (ketchup on nearly everything). Today I was a "VIP" at the local soccer championship, and sat front-row at midfield to watch the two teams battle it out. In the end, the blue team won 2-0, and our friend Liz was the honorary trophy-giver to the captain of the winning team. I was invited to play in a soccer game Sunday morning, as the locals think that all of my Wesleyan Football gear means I am good at soccer. They will soon learn my inability to kick and/or dribble, but it will be fun.
I'm looking forward to next week, and another interesting group of firsts at the hospital. We will be having a clinic in a neighboring village on Tuesday, and I look forward to giving my first vaccinations of Penta, Pneumonia, Polio, Yellow Fever, and Measles. So much learning has already occurred, and I'm sure much more will occur.
Looking forward to a relaxing night of reading on my Kindle. The breeze is blowing nicely, a luxury that removes the stifling heat if only for a few moments.
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